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Book your bus tickets
between Khamis M'Diq and Tiddas

Search, compare, and purchase your bus ticket between Khamis M'Diq and Tiddas with cash or by credit card, with +60 transport companies.

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Bus from Khamis M'Diq to Tiddas

marKoub helps you find a bus from Khamis M'Diq to Tiddas. Compare offers from various operators (CTM, Globus, Tassaout, Jana, Supratours, ONCF, STCR, Al Ghazala...) Get the best price and schedule that suits you and book your ticket online in less than 2 minutes.

Bus transport between Khamis M'Diq and Tiddas is provided by the most reliable bus transport companies.

Find out how much a trip from Khamis M'Diq to Tiddas costs and find a cheap bus ticket or luxury buses for added comfort.

Bus stations and stops

For a bus departing from Khamis M'Diq, your journey will most likely start at the Khamis M'Diq bus station, and it ends at the Tiddas bus station.

You will receive the exact address and GPS coordinates of your boarding location (bus station, agency, or others) by email as soon as you confirm your booking on

Eco-friendly... both ways

With marKoub, saving is easy: unbeatable prices lighten your wallet, while the comfort of our partner buses promises a fatigue-free journey.

Moreover, long-distance bus travel is the most environmentally friendly mode of transportation, a bus departing from Khamis M'Diq to Tiddas will emit half as much CO2 per person as a train and significantly less than a car or plane.

Travel by bus

Traveling has never been easier with as we accompany you from the first to the last step. With detailed information on our website and our helpful staff, don't hesitate to contact our customer service! They generally know a lot about the places and cities and can even recommend the best seat to enjoy the most beautiful views on the road from Khamis M'Diq to Tiddas! More than just a vehicle taking you from Khamis M'Diq to Tiddas, taking the bus can be a real experience that allows you to admire stunning panoramas throughout your journey in Morocco.

Need help?

If you have any questions during your booking, consult our section FAQ or Contact us via:


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Monday to Friday, 8: 30 to 00: 00